Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

46. Fostering with Megan Miller

Megan Miller Season 3 Episode 46

Megan & Christian Miller have 6 biological children, 2 children adopted internationally, & welcomed 30 kids into their home through foster care.

I’ve had it on my heart to do a podcast about fostering for 9 months & hit obstacle after obstacle. 
Can’t wait to see what God does through Megan’s story…

💜 “Anybody can do it. Some people aren’t called to foster, but you can help a foster parent, & you’re still taking care of the fatherless.”
💜 "I’m not a saint - I’m just doing what I’m called to do.”
💜 "15 years ago I would have said, “I’m not fostering.””
💜 "God can do so many things, if you just open your heart up to it.”
💜 "Had we not fostered, we would never have had the additional family we call our own.”

💥 “It’s not like we were created to live lavish vacations & lifestyles & live on cruise ships. 
No, we are here to disciple, love, & plant the foundation & seeds for our children & people.”

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X: @storiesextra

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