Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

77. Identifying and Dismantling Modern-Day Idols

July 15, 2024 Nancy Bruscher Season 5 Episode 77
77. Identifying and Dismantling Modern-Day Idols
Ordinary People Extraordinary Things
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Ordinary People Extraordinary Things
77. Identifying and Dismantling Modern-Day Idols
Jul 15, 2024 Season 5 Episode 77
Nancy Bruscher

What if we could identify and dismantle the modern-day "high places" that hold us back from living balanced, meaningful lives? This episode takes a unique turn as we pause our usual guest interviews to reflect on a recurring theme from 2 Kings in the Old Testament. Nancy draws parallels between the ancient Israelites' struggle with idol worship and today's tendencies to either idolize or disparage ourselves and others. Through this lens, we challenge listeners to find a more balanced way of viewing our roles and the impact of our everyday actions.

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X: @storiesextra

Any advice should be confirmed with a qualified professional.
All rights reserved: Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

Stories shared by guests may not always be shared views of OPET.
Being a guest does not mean OPET approves of every decision or action in the guests' life.

We all have a story, all of us, share your story. You don't have to have the perfect answer or the perfect life - share what Jesus is doing in your life. This is an easy, real way to witness & share your testimony.

Show Notes Transcript

What if we could identify and dismantle the modern-day "high places" that hold us back from living balanced, meaningful lives? This episode takes a unique turn as we pause our usual guest interviews to reflect on a recurring theme from 2 Kings in the Old Testament. Nancy draws parallels between the ancient Israelites' struggle with idol worship and today's tendencies to either idolize or disparage ourselves and others. Through this lens, we challenge listeners to find a more balanced way of viewing our roles and the impact of our everyday actions.

You can find “Ordinary People Extraordinary Things” anywhere you listen to podcasts or Check out the links below....⬇️
➡️ https://www.buzzsprout.com/1882033
➡️ https://generationstogenerations.com/podcast
➡️ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ordinary-people-extraordin-89553427/➡️ Https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ordinary-people-extraordinary-things/id1596670894
➡️ https://open.spotify.com/show/5wVEm2IUT7lpVGBdbgqagd
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/@GenNancy





X: @storiesextra

Any advice should be confirmed with a qualified professional.
All rights reserved: Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

Stories shared by guests may not always be shared views of OPET.
Being a guest does not mean OPET approves of every decision or action in the guests' life.

We all have a story, all of us, share your story. You don't have to have the perfect answer or the perfect life - share what Jesus is doing in your life. This is an easy, real way to witness & share your testimony.

Speaker 1:

We are taking a break from guests in July, but wanted to share a few thoughts with you. I do hope that you're catching up on all 76 episodes of Ordinary People Extraordinary Things. I've been reading through the Old Testament, and specifically in 2 Kings, and it says over and over that the high places were not removed. And the high places are where they were sacrificing to other gods. And even when the Israelites were doing pretty well and following most of the rules and the kings were doing well, they could not get these high places removed. It was something that was just a part of their culture and it made me wonder what is that for us today? And something came to me, and it might be something different for every single person, but I wanted to share with you what I've kind of thought about with these verses about the high places not being removed.

Speaker 1:

And I see in our culture one of two things. One is that we idolize people and put them on a pedestal or we tear them down, forgetting that they are children of God. We do this to ourselves too. We either have this high thoughts of we have to do everything, we're super important, god couldn't do this without us, or we do the opposite and we think nothing matters. So it doesn't matter if I go and say hello to someone, if I bring someone a meal, if I am kind to someone in the grocery store, none of that matters. I'm insignificant and I think on ordinary people extraordinary things. I hope that you've learned that that's not the case, that it is the small things that make a difference. But I see this discrepancy of how we treat others and how we treat ourselves and I hope that we can come to the middle of this for ourselves and for others, and how we treat people and think about people.

Speaker 1:

Here's a few verses that I saw. Ephesians 2.10 says For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. So he prepared things for us to do. He has works that we need to do. We are all important to get these things done. And then 1 Samuel 16, 7,. But the Lord said to Samuel Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord said to Samuel Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him, for the Lord sees not as man sees. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart, and this is the Lord talking to Samuel about Saul and then what he'll see in King David, and so I just had those verses and I hope that this is encouraging to you and you might do this for yourself, or maybe you see it on how you look at other people, and I am excited to share new guests with you in August.