Ordinary People Extraordinary Things
Hope. Real Hope.
Real stories.
From ordinary people, just like you.
🎙️ NEW podcast episode every other Sunday!
Ordinary People Extraordinary Things
48. Christ in Me with Carol Kearbey
You will love this sweet episode of Carol’s life - it is filled with faith & hope. She is a plethora of joy & wisdom.
Here’s just a few things you’ll hear from Carol in this episode…
- “Every day I ask the Lord, I don’t know who I’m going to meet today. Whoever it is, help me to be a blessing to them & them to me.”
- “My biggest desire is that others would see that when they have difficulties, who they can go to. I know. I’ve been there. I know how He helps. I know the strength He gives & the comfort.”
- “God You got me through today. I know You’re going to get me through tomorrow.”
- “If things had gone smoothly & easily I may not have learned to depend on God as much. Through that I knew He was my source of strength, trust, & help.”
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