Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

49. Giving Back with Angelia Anderson

Angelia Anderson Season 3 Episode 49

Angelia truly lives her life for Jesus
 “Sometimes we don’t get to see the increase of the seeds that have been planted in others’ lives, but I believe God gets the increase if we keep doing what He said for us to do. That’s the blessing. That’s the Peace that passes all understanding & the Joy that you can’t explain. It’s given to you - not on your works, but about your Love & your Will to be keep being His Hands & Feet.”

If you’re asking the Question: What does God want me to do?
      - “Do something - Do something!”
      - “Once you start planting those seeds it’s hard to stop doing it.”
      - “We look at what we’re giving, instead of looking at what we’re getting.”

Why is the church in America declining?
      - “We want to be people pleasers instead of God pleasers.”
     - “People are going to speak positive or negative. If you’re a people pleasing person, you can never please everyone.”
      - “Serve like the Word says to serve.”

*** “I’m grateful that I get to lift up the name of Jesus & I get to share my faith & hope with others. There’s no greater reward than that.”

Treasure House of Hope

Podcast with Michael McKnight: Addiction & Homelessness DON’T have the Final Word

More info about Treasure House in this podcast…https://www.southeastcc.org/podcasts/housing-and-bread-making-with-treasure-house-of-hope-angelia-and-dwight

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X: @storiesextra

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