Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

62. From missionaries in Uganda to missionaries on Colfax with Kayla Horne

January 21, 2024 Kayla Horne Season 4 Episode 62

▶️ "Instead of a handout, it’s an empowerment model."

▶️ "We can’t change hearts - knowing what God has called us to and trusting Him in that. 
We go back over to the scripture that talks about: 'we can plant the seeds, we can water the seeds, but it is only God who gives the growth.' 
We keep trusting God - if He’s stirring this in our hearts, He’s also stirring in the people we’re going to serve." 

▶️ "We’re not bringing Jesus to Colfax, Jesus was on Colfax. We’re working & we get to join Him in what He’s already doing."

▶️ "The Kingdom of God is so beautiful to see everybody using their gifts & doing what God called them to & we are called to work together." 

▶️ "Treat people like people & see the image of God in them."

🙏 Check out Jesus on Colfax

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