Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

79. Embracing Challenges: Faith, Adversity, and Spiritual Growth

Nancy Bruscher Season 5 Episode 79

Ever noticed how society often equates an easy life with success, while faith teaches us to embrace life's challenges? We shine a light on the paradox of the American dream's promise of comfort versus the gospel's call to embrace our crosses. Reflect with us on Luke 9:23 and John 16:33, as we discuss the transformative power of facing adversity head-on. This episode is a heartfelt prayer for those feeling compelled towards daunting endeavors, reminding you that growth often stems from enduring trials and that you're not alone in your journey.





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We all have a story, all of us, share your story. You don't have to have the perfect answer or the perfect life - share what Jesus is doing in your life. This is an easy, real way to witness & share your testimony.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever thought life's not easy? Okay, that's a silly question. We all know that. We've all had hard times. We all probably have hard times every single day in one part or the other. And Ordinary People Extraordinary Things talks about these hard times, but with the invitation of faith and hope.

Speaker 1:

So I know you've heard a lot of these stories. But it came to me the other day that the American dream part of it is that life is easy and we go after such easiness that the gospel can't coincide with that, if that makes sense. So dying to the American dream of life is easy and chasing after comfort and running after comfort is so hard. But I think it might also be helpful, because when we have hard times we try to run away from them. We do everything to get away from them. We think something's wrong, something's wrong with me, something's wrong with the situation, because life should be easy and it's not.

Speaker 1:

Now God does say that his yoke is easy, but so many times. Luke 9, 23 says it and he said to all this is Jesus. If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. I know many of you have heard this, but these words deny yourself. Take up his cross, his cross daily to follow him. And I'm afraid that when we run towards comfort, we're running away from something really significant that God might have in store for us. And maybe you can think of that. Maybe you're listening and thinking of one of the podcasts where someone went through something and how God really changed them and moved them during that time. So I don't have any words on how to do that, because I think God's going to do that in every situation. But don't run away from the hard. Don't run away and run just towards comfort, because you'll keep on running.

Speaker 1:

John 16, 33 says I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace In the world. You will have tribulation, but take heart. I have overcome the world. Jesus said he has overcome it. So I'm just praying that there's something on your heart that God wants you to do. I know for me it was doing this podcast. I did not want to do it because of the time, but also I didn't want to fail. But God said do it. He didn't say what it would be, but to not run away from something that God's calling you to because it's hard, or to stay with it even in the hard times, and I'm just praying over that for you today. I can't wait for you to join us in August with new guests. For Ordinary People, Extraordinary Things.