Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

80. Introverts in Faith & Parenting in the Digital Age with Gina Nickel

Gina Nickel Season 6 Episode 80

Can introverts make an impact in faith outreach? You bet they can! We'll challenge the common misconception that only extroverts can be effective evangelists. Through compelling examples from the Bible, like Moses and Jacob, and personal anecdotes, we reveal how introverts can fulfill God's purpose through behind-the-scenes actions and meaningful one-on-one interactions. Understand why spiritual success isn't about the number of people reached but about serving your unique role in God's grand plan.

Ever wondered how to navigate the challenges of parenting in the digital age? Join us for an intimate conversation with Gina, who shares her heartfelt journey of raising children amidst the complexities of today's tech-driven world. Discover Gina's thoughtful methods for managing technology and social media for her teenage sons, emphasizing the importance of rules and monitoring to ensure their safety and emotional readiness.





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We all have a story, all of us, share your story. You don't have to have the perfect answer or the perfect life - share what Jesus is doing in your life. This is an easy, real way to witness & share your testimony.

Speaker 1:

Is summer a busy time for you? I know it is for us, but don't forget to keep Ordinary People, extraordinary Things on your podcast list. Make sure to follow and subscribe so you don't miss an episode, and when you're riding in the car, it's a perfect place to listen. Thank you for making Ordinary People, extraordinary Things a part of your habit and a part of your day. Things a part of your habit and a part of your day. Welcome to Ordinary People, extraordinary Things. I'm here with Gina. Gina, thanks for coming. Thanks for having me. I'm so excited to have you on. We have gotten to know each other the last few years and I just enjoy spending every minute I get with you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. So friendly, no, always so kind.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I'm so happy. Oh, thank you for that. That's so sweet. Well, we're both introverts and we're going to get to talk about that today, but if people don't know who you are, could you give a few words or phrases to describe you?

Speaker 2:

Sure, I've been told I'm thoughtful words or phrases to describe you. Sure, I've been told I'm thoughtful, hopefully, because I'm not just processing, but actually thinking about people and what their needs and wants are. I have a strong sense of duty, probably part of growing up with an Asian mom. Yeah, a lot of expectation.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then perseverance, so working through hard things, and, yeah, that seems to be a common theme for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, those are good, those are really good. Well, before we kind of dive into introverts, I did ask if you would tell about you're on the kind of end of, I want to say, raising your kids, right, yep, and I mean, probably never get done raising your kids, I guess, but one's in college, one's in high school, is that right? So kind of how we would see raising is what I'm saying. But I just love your family and I just thought maybe you could give a few words of encouragement or this really worked out and obviously everyone's different and we're not saying you're the best parents in the whole world, you've never made a mistake. But I think we can also learn from someone who is maybe a little bit further in their walk with their kids and things that you've learned, that this went really well, or I wish I would have done something like that. Do you have any?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my youngest son, when he was in kind of the toddler age lots of emotion that was right there at the surface, but not a lot of words that went with. It struggled a lot getting out of the house in the morning or around dinner time and a lot of that was kind of minimized by actually giving him choices. So where before we might just put a bowl in front of him. Here, here are your Cheerios, and they quickly end up on the floor If we asked do you want the Red Bull?

Speaker 2:

or the Blue Bull, things went a lot better. Do you want to put on these shoes or your boots?

Speaker 1:

Instead of just put these on Right, right yeah.

Speaker 2:

It gave him some ownership there and that helped out a lot. So hopefully that's. If you're not trying something like that, maybe that would be encouraging and helpful, maybe hope, and then, as my kids have gotten older, there's a lot of stress around oh, my kids need a cell phone yeah, yeah my oldest son, who's 20 now, didn't have a cell phone until he was a senior in high school.

Speaker 1:

And he's only 20. I mean, he's only 20, and he just got a cell phone when he was a senior Like 17.

Speaker 2:

Wow. And then my youngest son is 17, and he got one at the end of sixth grade. So we had some rules around what they could do to earn a phone. Most of it was around grades and attitude and just being good, healthy members of our family, and so it truly was like this is how you would earn a phone and this is how you keep a phone. And so my youngest son earned one at the end of sixth grade, where my oldest son didn't until later. But we had lots of limitations around applications that they could get or not get, that they had to be approved. If they wanted something, even school related, all of those would go through my husband and me for approval first and any social media that they were on. I was looking at it first and neither of my kids were posting anything. I mean, if it were like Snapchat or something, maybe it was just between their friends.

Speaker 2:

But, I would go and watch, like what kinds of things are they watching, who are they friends with, who are they following? And have been really involved in that? And even my 17-year-old still has to go through approvals for us for any new apps. Yeah, we've just been really consistent and strict with it. But I think a lot of parents are a little too eager to let kids get involved in that and it's so hurtful at times if you're not ready for it emotionally or if you're not using it appropriately. I say be more conservative if you can, and go down that path.

Speaker 1:

Don't be afraid, that's so good. A couple questions. One is I hear people saying, well, that's An invasion of privacy, right, right and I'm like, but they're still young, right?

Speaker 2:

I think if your kid's 12, you're probably still being influential in any kind of relationship that they have with their friends. Like if a kid's over you're listening to what they're talking about. You're looking at what they're watching. You know if they're watching a TV program or something when they have friends over, so any kind of video games that they're playing, that sort of thing. We certainly were listening in watching doing that kind of thing. We certainly were listening in, watching doing that kind of an engagement. So I felt like social media wasn't any different.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so good. What about parents who say, well, they just need a phone, because I guess we just feel like we need it now, or because they are going to school or they're away from us. But your son didn't have one until he was a senior?

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, I mean, I think there's certainly areas where it's helpful, particularly if your kids are driving. My oldest son happened to start driving during COVID and so he was home a lot, which made it easier for us to not have to have a phone at that point in time. But I think the invasion of privacy kind of piece comes up too If you can track every place that they're going and everything that they're doing. We certainly have had moments where we've been like are you where you said you were going to be?

Speaker 1:

And yes, we're checking that, but we all survived as teenagers. That's how I feel. That's how I feel. That's how I feel I was. I went to Europe for months without a cell phone, right, and yeah, it is kind of funny how that's become. Like you can't touch that, like they have to, and you, like a advice against that, would be like no, no, no, no, they have to. But everyone who says they have to never had a cell phone when they were going up, so it is interesting how it's become such a part of our lives and both my husband and I work and our kids.

Speaker 2:

kids, as they got older, were able to come home from school and be home for 30 minutes to an hour on their own at times, but we lived half a mile from the school and we had a home phone. So if there, was an emergency, they had a way that they could contact either of us or call 911.

Speaker 2:

We certainly trained them on what they needed to do and had neighbors or friends in the neighborhood that they could go to if they really had something that they needed an adult for in that short amount of time that they were home by themselves.

Speaker 1:

I'm kind of thinking specifically about your older one. Did he feel ostracized from friends? Not having these things, or was it kind of freeing? I mean, I know that we're kind of speaking for him, but I think that's another thing of well, everyone has one, my kid will be different, my kid will be weird, or something like that.

Speaker 2:

I think kids were accepting that he didn't have one.

Speaker 1:

I think more often the teachers were actually ones who didn't believe he didn't have a cell phone because they had to put them, like in a pocket um so his pocket didn't have a cell phone and was like, well, hey, you need to bring your cell phone up here.

Speaker 2:

And he was like I don't have one, um, and so that's funny, that was unusual, and so I don't think anyone really gave him a hard time about not having it. He had other ways of communicating with people and his friends. He didn't need a cell phone to communicate with his close friends. Like he had other ways that he was doing that. So it worked out and then once he got home he could use the phone, the regular phone yeah, the old thing we used to use or playing video games, if you're okay, sure you can communicate that way too.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, he had ways that he was engaging with his peers, so it worked out yeah, well, thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

I have actually been wanting to have someone come in and talk about, because I think we're seeing that it is a huge problem and that we're, our kids, are really struggling with this and we're kind of needing to go oh, oh, shoot, what, what did we do and that and and that's normal, right, but to have someone that has gone through that instead of someone I heard someone talking about it and it was very philosophical on well, you shouldn't do that, you shouldn't do that. And they were like well, how did you raise your kids? Well, I don't have kids. Okay, that's maybe not as helpful as to hear someone who actually has Right, exactly. So thank you for sharing. Sure, okay, we're both introverts.

Speaker 1:

Introverts, extroverts everyone kind of, I think, knows what that is an introvert. Sometimes people say you're not an introvert. Well, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking to people or hearing someone's story, or you know, I think I can communicate with people pretty well. Sometimes I do have a problem. Getting sarcasm is really difficult for me, so I cannot pick up on some of those things very well. Social cues sometimes are still difficult for me, but, all in all, I think an introvert is someone who, when you're tired, do you get filled up? Being by people or away from people? Right, is that kind of what we're saying if someone doesn't know what an introvert is?

Speaker 2:

I agree okay, okay and I used to be told that it's like the joke grenade, um, that it give me five seconds and then I'll be laughing too, because I just now got the. I got the joke.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I know I'm like, oh, I didn't pick up on that. So, being an introvert in God's kingdom, what have you heard or what have you felt?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I think there's a lot around the need to be in community that I think might be scary for introverts at times. I know for me it's a struggle, like oh, I really should engage with that group or that, whatever, I should be more involved in the church, but I don't want to be around crowds. Finding the way that you were made and engaging in community in those ways is totally acceptable, but I feel like sometimes there's this real urgency to be in maybe more community than an introvert might feel comfortable doing, and I know that's been my experience. You know comments have come up about are you doing God's will or not?

Speaker 2:

if you're, not talking to everyone, or if you're not being, you know, an evangelist, like trying to save everyone. You meet at every street corner and you who you've met in the elevator, um, and that's just not my style and I don't think God created me for that kind of relationship right.

Speaker 1:

I think if you tried to be that, I don't know if you'd bring very many people right. I mean just not being who God created you to be right and trying to make yourself someone that you're not, but you are in community. I know that you are you know, I see you a lot and I know that you're in a life group and so you're not saying, because I'm an introvert, I won't do anything in community or I won't do anything to fulfill God's kingdom.

Speaker 2:

Right. Right, I think it's. As I've gotten older, I've learned there are things that I'm more comfortable with and things that I'm less comfortable with, and so if I'm volunteering for VBS, maybe I'm going to be in a special room in the corner running the slides and the music and engaging with people one-on-one, as opposed to leading a group of 16 kids or something like that, that I'm going to have to be around all day and they might have questions and I'm going to get tired very quickly, right.

Speaker 1:

That's a great example of still being involved, but in a way that suits your strength.

Speaker 2:

Right, there are a couple of verses. Just looking at Moses from Exodus 4, that he wasn't a confident speaker and actually approached God with that and Aaron was able to speak for him. And then Jacob being a quiet man preferring life indoors among the tents, from Genesis 25-27. Proverbs 17-27,. The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. I think a lot of times, thinking about what you're saying before you speak isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sometimes, if we're processing, I know for myself I want to get the words right or I want to think through all the details and I feel uncomfortable blurting out an answer. And perhaps that's intentional in the way that God made me.

Speaker 1:

I think there's a lot of verses you could find that would say slow to speak and how hurtful the tongue can be if it's used wrongly, right, right. What would you say to someone who sees themselves as not doing as much or not reaching as many people, or they're introverted so they're more behind the scenes and wondering if they're doing anything or making a difference? What would you say to them?

Speaker 2:

I would say you can be incredibly Impactful even if you're anonymous at times. Maybe you're bringing supplies for a Charitable organization that's gonna make a difference to someone, or you're bringing a meal that you don't have to see that person in order for them to be blessed by you.

Speaker 2:

I worked in a situation where I felt like I was doing a really terrible job at the technical skill that was required, but I really felt like God had placed me in this role and it was one of those where I prayed every morning like God, help me through this day. I don't know if I'm going to get everything done, and he managed to help me through that, but even just and that was in 2018 even in March and July of this year, there were people who have approached me and said do you remember that time when we worked together and the things that you would do for our team and how you made it fun and you brought in treats? Like God called me to love them and that was what he placed me there for. And I didn't learn that until later, but, like repeat, stories from various people that I had worked with in that time very consistently told me that was what they were desperately needing in the moment.

Speaker 1:

that that's why God put me there wow, yeah that's so cool yeah, that's neat that God gave you that opportunity to see that, that gift, to see what you had done. That's awesome. Yeah, have you been told anything about your walk and the treasure that you would receive in heaven? Because you don't. I'm air quoting reach as many people as an extrovert or someone who has like a big platform, or you know there's different ways. You know big platform or you know what really well known in the Christian world, or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm definitely mental. Oh, it's too bad, your treasures in heaven are going to be less because you just didn't meet all these people that you were supposed to, or you didn't talk to all these people that God intended for you, and I had searched through the Bible a lot to see like, well, is there something about that? Is there, you know, there, some sort of quota I'm supposed to meet and there's not?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I think God creates us differently because we want to be approached differently too, so going into a crowd may be great for someone who is really energized by meeting with people and feeding off the engagement of others, but for me.

Speaker 2:

That's just overwhelming. Like I'd go to the symphony but I wouldn't go to a concert because we're all sitting down and we can still enjoy music. But I don't engage well with other people kind of crowded together and I probably wouldn't do God a great service if I were in an environment like that, trying to, you know, win people over for Christ, when I'm like where is the exit?

Speaker 1:

how do I get out of here? Right, right, yeah, I well, I'm sort of surprised that someone would say that, but sort of not. But yeah, I looked that up too and I can't find anything that says anything about that. In fact, there's many things in the Bible that would seem to go against that really. One that really came to mind is 1 Corinthians 12, when it's talking about the body of Christ. It's talking about everyone has. You have to have an ear, you have to have a tongue, you have to have hair. 1 Corinthians 12, 21,. The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you. Nor again, to the head, to the feet, I have no need of you. Or contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker or indispensable is kind of what really stuck out to me and of those parts of the body that we think less honorable, we bestow the greater honor and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty. I feel like most of that would be very contrary to what God says about people just in general.

Speaker 2:

Job 33, 31 through 33,. Pay attention, Job and listen to me. Be silent and I will speak. If you have anything to say, answer me, speak up, for I want to vindicate you. But if not, then listen to me. Be silent and I will teach you wisdom.

Speaker 1:

There's just so many. You could probably put into you know the you version and find so many things about being quiet, being still watching your tongue, about how that can really hurt people, so it's interesting that that has been placed at such a high level when many people are reached through the word. I mean, we're speaking today, right, hoping to encourage people, but with that also comes. So encourage people, but with that also comes. We have to watch our words, right.

Speaker 1:

So that's just interesting that people would say that you didn't meet a quota of talking to people or reaching people in a way that I guess they've thought is the right way to do that.

Speaker 2:

And I think we're all different, we're all made differently, and sometimes we get kind of down a path of well, this is what works for me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I wouldn't want to discourage anyone that that does work for them and that is what they're called to do.

Speaker 1:

Sure, of course.

Speaker 2:

But I also recognize that we're not all called in the same way, and that's okay too right and I think that's what the hope of encouraging people who are introverted may be to to make sure that they know it's all right to have a different approach right, but to have an approach right right absolutely have an approach yes, what is your approach?

Speaker 2:

um, I I think I am more engaged with people that I'm friends with that may not be followers, that may be questioning their relationship with God, or maybe they they are a follower, but they're maybe not strong and be more of a person that can be a sounding board or someone who can kind of steady them in a moment of like. What would God want me to do in this? Like, I'm just not sure to be an engagement in that way, and I'm going to have conversations with someone that I met in the elevator, but I'm probably not going to give them my testimony.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so I know that that's not enough time for me and that I'm probably not going gonna make a vast friendship in that way either, and I my approach is more along the lines of really getting to know someone and hopefully showing them, through the way that I engage with them, god's love and the way he's blessed me, and that my family and I do things that are related to Christianity and help them to maybe become curious about that and be inspired by that, as opposed to maybe having a. Have you met Jesus Christ? Like as soon as I first met them?

Speaker 1:

so yeah, Do you think? I don't want to say that no one's been reached that way, but do you think that that works?

Speaker 2:

I think if God put you in that space and you were called in, that maybe you've been approached a hundred times and this is the one that finally is the meaningful one. Maybe you've hit that wall, or you've finally hit that rock bottom place, and this is the person who's here in this moment, but I don't know if it just works all the time yeah, I think it would be.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I am a follower of Jesus, I am sold out. But if someone that I just met kind of tried to save me, I would probably be kind of put off.

Speaker 2:

I've seen it happen at the park Really. Yeah, no, I've really seen it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, people who were, you know, satanic devil worshipers, who were just like I'm curious, and this person was bold enough to say let me tell you about Jesus Christ, and they were like I'm interested to learn more.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean, wow, that is it. It doesn't happen to me. Wow, so, yeah, okay. So there are people who are called to just be super bold. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah, maybe I'm like that wouldn't work for me because I'm introverted, right, so that would put me off. But yeah, you're right, thank you. Thank you for that. That's a very, that's a great word of we're all different and that's that will work for some people. But do what God's called you to do to show the light.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, like you, I would be trying to find what's the right word, like what, what I'm, and it's it's the Holy Spirit that's going to move in that moment, and so I actually spent a lot of time realizing maybe I'm just supposed to be the person that's here, and God will make whatever happened happen and I don't have to have the pressure of I need to convert somebody in this moment. That really created a lot of freedom and just being able to engage with someone authentically yeah and be more okay with that yeah the holy spirit will do the work.

Speaker 2:

I really like that. I like that I.

Speaker 1:

We've been talking about how god made us different ephesians 2 4 or ephesians 2 10 for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. I think that just speaks so to what we're talking about is that God made you a certain way to do his works right, like. This isn't about you're an introvert, so no worries, you don't have to do anything. But coming into how he's made you, I think is more of the Right. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

The approach that you should be taking. Like be active about it. Be conscious that you have been called but, you don't have to stress yourself out over it, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to find your niche or how God's made you to reach certain people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because, likewise, you probably would want to be reached in a more introverted way too, right.

Speaker 1:

I think that's why, when people talk about going on a podium, I'm like, oh my gosh, like that, like going out on a street corner that scares me to see. But I but thank you for showing that. Yeah, there are people who are going to get reached that way, like going out on a street corner that scares me to see.

Speaker 1:

But thank you for showing that, yeah, there are people who are going to get reached that way because God made them different. So that's a good reminder for me. Today you said that we belong in community, but that sometimes introverts it's hard. What would you say to them that?

Speaker 2:

are saying, well, I don't want to do it. Then, uh, find what you are willing to do. I mean, maybe you're willing to meet in a group of five, um, and that's okay too. That's still being in community or kind of like we were saying you could do behind the scenes-scenes work. That's still. Maybe you're engaging one or two people, that you're providing your gift in whatever way God intended, but it doesn't necessarily have to be with 100 people. It's okay to do things that help you work your way into larger groups, if that's where you end up, and you don't always have to end up in a large group, that's all right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think there is just in America too, we have such this thing of more, more, more, bigger numbers, bigger numbers, even on the podcast. You know, I'm watching the numbers hey, are we hitting so many, you know? And I watching the numbers, hey, are we hitting so many, you know, and I think that's, that's okay. But God, god never says you have to have this many numbers, I have to have this many people listen in order for it to be worth my time. Like if, if it reaches one, isn't that enough. I mean, mean the 99, he goes after the one, doesn't he? Not even Christianity.

Speaker 2:

But I feel like, if we don't feel like we have the numbers or we feel like we're not important, right yeah and I think what's amazing is we never know what we were put on earth to do, because it may be that our generation, like our descendants you know there's somebody in that group that's gonna be like who we were intended to keep the faith in our families or it could be someone that you met at the grocery store and just did something nice to, and exposed them to, the love of Christ. That could make all the difference right so it.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't necessarily have to be like, oh, we got all the numbers, we did all the things, because it could be one amazing moment. That was just intended.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and I love that we're going to be able to see that in heaven. But I do love that one amazing moment that was just intended, yeah, and I love that we're going to be able to see that in heaven. But I do love that God gave you a glimpse of that with some of those people that spoke to you, that you shared, because I feel like sometimes that gives you the courage or the hope or the okay, yes, yes, I can keep doing that, and he gives you that little piece to say keep going, keep going. So I think that's special.

Speaker 2:

So we're definitely called to be in community, so I don't want anyone to think oh well, I'm an introvert and I'm off the hook. It so Hebrews 10, 24 through 25, and let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching. And then Galatians 6, 2 is one that I recently read and got inspired by, which is carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ, where we're called to have burdens that we're sharing with others.

Speaker 2:

We have a load that we're responsible for but, the burden is to keep us in community, keep us connected to others, that we weren't intended to struggle through those alone. We're intended to be in community to survive and thrive through that.

Speaker 1:

That's good. That reminds me I just listened to a quote, so this was talking about community relationships. Brad Gray says the enemy's number one purpose is to wreck relationships, because all of life is centered around relationships.

Speaker 1:

I thought that was a bold statement. At first I was like oh. I was like, oh, wow, I mean that's not coming from the Bible, that's. You know, that's not a verse from the Bible, but pulling off what the Bible says about relationships with God, relationships with each other, and so I thought that was that was so good for someone who I. I would shrink away sometimes from community, right, when it gets hard or when I get tired or discouraged, and so to keep in that and it might look different, right, it doesn't mean community has to be this, but to stay and help each other carry each other's burdens.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, yeah, that's good. Yeah, well, I've enjoyed our time and I always love to end with our last questions what is your favorite Bible verse or story?

Speaker 2:

uh galatians 5, 22 through 23 yeah, spirit um, I had a, a sticker on my computer monitor for several years to help me, like, go through all of them. But, uh, but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. I love that, to try to continue to remind myself that that's what I'm striving for, and engaging in relationship for all of those, because you don't have fruit if you're by yourself.

Speaker 1:

Right, you have to abide in God to keep those fruits of the Spirit. Yeah, but the fruit of the Spirit isn't numbers or any of that. It's those things. I like that. What are you grateful for?

Speaker 2:

I am grateful that my family's following Jesus. We were talking about my kids being older and they're in a stage where they could easily you know, question, fall away, set other priorities, and I feel super fortunate that God has blessed us with kids that are curious about him, doing college, small groups, being involved in Young Life and FCA, and so not only do they attend church with us on Sundays, but they're pursuing their own community and their own ways of following Christ. It's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

I love it. That's amazing. That's amazing. What kindness have you shown or what kindness have you seen from someone in the last week?

Speaker 2:

I feel like I'm talking about my kids this whole time. My sons haven't always been super close, particularly as they've gotten a little bit older. They haven't always they've never been best friends, I'll put it that way. But my oldest son is trying to learn, you know, skills and budgeting and things like that, and he had a situation that actually came up yesterday where he decided he's going to do this car part replacement on his own, but it's one of those that's going to take two people and my other son actually helped him out and was really excited about it and they had a moment where they were kind of bonding together.

Speaker 2:

I worry that as they get older, there are more things that pull them apart and having experiences like this where they're learning and growing together and sharing with one another is really beautiful, and the fact that they're helping one another is such a blessing to me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's so great. Yeah Well, I am praying that someone who listens maybe you're an extrovert and maybe this kind of lets you see what an introvert might be feeling or have felt or heard about themselves. Or maybe you're an introvert and you are you just totally resonate with what we're saying and I hope that this has brought you some encouragement. Maybe it'll make you think of something different, or being in community differently, or how you can show Jesus to someone differently, or our part about kids. That was a blessing to you. So so many things that I just loved talking with you about.

Speaker 1:

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