Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

82. Carrie Gutierrez Finds Joy and Community with MS

Nancy Bruscher Season 6 Episode 82
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00:00 | 26:37

After a season of relentless migraines and unsettling numbness, Carrie discovered she had multiple sclerosis (MS). With raw honesty, Carrie talks about her fears and confusion, especially as a single mom with heavy responsibilities, and how she can now say, “I am grateful for the story God has given me.” The critical importance of community support is underscored, from practical help to emotional encouragement, and we delve into how to build meaningful relationships even when it feels daunting.
We also highlight the importance of expressing emotions authentically within a faith community. Through the lens of the Book of Psalms, we talk about how God welcomes a range of human emotions, stressing the importance of not staying stuck in negativity. Carrie shares how the story of Abraham and Isaac has shaped her understanding of faith and obedience, providing a powerful backdrop for our discussion. Her personal testimony serves as an inspiring reminder of God's faithfulness, encouraging listeners to reflect on their lives and deepen their reliance on God. 

✨ “I used to be afraid to share my story & my testimony, but then I realized it’s not my story - it’s God’s.”





X: @storiesextra

Any advice should be confirmed with a qualified professional.
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